Chris Cornell - what a beast of a singer. I remember seeing the clip for Jesus Christ Pose on MTV in the early 90's. I've gotta be honest, learning how to sing like Chris Cornell just wasn't on my radar at the time.
I mean, it's not even POSSIBLE to learn how to sing like Chris Cornell, right?
What if I told you that all that crazy range... the seriously CRAZY range... the power, the effortless delivery, the confidence, the consistency isn't just a matter of magic genetics?
What if you found the BLUEPRINT that Chris Cornell was using to sing crazy high stuff like a badass?
When I started taking singing lessons in 1997 - I actually had vocal teachers telling me that I would NEVER sing anything but Johnny Cash Songs.
I love Cash and all that low stuff - but my heart was with Alice in Chains, Metallica, Soundgarden.
And Cornell was just RIDICULOUS, right?
Let me drop a ton of truth bomb/wisdom/crazy stuff on you;
Did you know your PITCH and your VOWEL are actually intrinsically linked in frequency?
You first formant, known as F1 - is both where your pitch rings in a frequency sense, but also where the body of the vowel/word you're singing rings.
Let that sink in for a second.
Mastering my vowel sounds is how I've come to sing the absolute craziest Chris Cornell songs like Jesus Christ Pose;
Here's the thing - you might think that this crazy kind of range is just a "natural" kind of thing - it's anatomy or something? Great singers are BORN, not made, right?
What if I told you my highest note when I first started taking vocal lessons was a C3 - and it was a weak falsetto above that?
Absolutely true.
I took weekly singing lessons for 6 solid years - and from that point onwards bought about a dozen vocal courses desperately trying to work out how to sing like Chris Cornell,
But I still sucked - no range, totally strained, I sounded like shit - and I had no idea what I was doing.
Until I found a better, EASIER way to sing that didn't involve pushing, straining or yelling;
How LOUD should you sing?
As a voice teacher, I've become known as the "Soundgarden guy" by many - not that this stuff came easy to me, but because I've quite literally STUDIED this style of singing for decades trying to work out the best way to approach this absolutely crazy style of singing.
I like to call the approach I've designed to help singers just like you develop the same crazy range as Chris Cornell in his prime - yes, even absolutely untalented, non-natural singers just like you and me - the "vocal blueprint".
The best thing about this is you can actually download the Vocal Blueprint for free here - The Vocal Blueprint [VIDEO and PDF]