learn to sing like chris cornell

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I took my first singing lesson in 1997 - having no idea that I actually a pretty low voice, and maybe  Johnny Cash songs might have been a more appropriate choice for a first lesson - I took in Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and you guessed it - I desperately wanted to learn to sing like Chris Cornell.

Classic Soundgarden-era Chris Cornell really is something else - a ridiculous range in full voice that even the most amazing female soul singers would envy, grit gravel and grind to envy the hardest of hard rock and metal singers to ever grunt through a sound - but also a musical and melodic sensibility that makes it super hard to learn to sing like Chris Cornell

But what if I told you all of that crazy range, the power, the freedom, the soul, the melody - it's all a real POSSIBILITY when you start to understand the blueprint that Chris Cornell used to sing so consistently?

Did you know your VOWEL and your PITCH are intrinsically linked?

Basically the resonant centre of the WORDS that you sing is actually derived from the same frequency and vibration that creates your pitch.

You're starting to put 2 and 2 together right - if you want to sing high rock notes, you actually have to MASTER your vowel sounds.

There's a reason that as a lower voiced guy, with no natural talent or gift of any kind is able to blast through Jesus Chris Pose with ease and explain exactly WHAT I'm doing to make it a reality;

Let's talk CRAZY high singing while we're at it.

Remember - your VOWEL and your PITCH are related - so, if you want to really hit those upper echelons of Chris Cornell's high range, you absolutely need to work out your vowels.

What about an A5 as a male singer??

So, let's forget 'natural talent' for a moment when it comes to working out how to learn to sing like Chris Cornell.

Because I have zero natural talent as a singer - it's all down to the BLUEPRINT that I'm using to hit these crazy notes with ease and consistency.

The best thing about this, is that you can actually download this very Vocal Blueprint for free here - Vocal Blueprint [VIDEO and PDF]

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