ROCK SINGERS - are you sick of straining, struggling and yelling trying to hit high notes? I certainly was - here's how I fixed it once and for all;

YES! I need more vocal range!
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**Watch the video above to see my Before and After as a singer - it's painful but inspiring!

5 star rating

Vowel Modification course is a game changer when you real...

Mayke Freitas

Being able to realize what is the appropriate way to sing the vowels in each register is a game changer. When you realize it, you feel confident and powered,...

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Being able to realize what is the appropriate way to sing the vowels in each register is a game changer. When you realize it, you feel confident and powered, no matter what region you are singing. For example, you can sing in a more headed registry with a lot of power making it sounds powerful like in chest registers. Kegan is an awesome teacher. For sure I recommend this course. As a feedback, the only thing I miss is some real songs exercises in the practicing section.

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5 star rating

Worth his weight in gold!

Mashara Mirtolooi

Absolutely transformed my singing. I started from nothing. Couldn’t hit a note to save my life. I came to Kegan after I had tried two other VERY popular YouT...

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Absolutely transformed my singing. I started from nothing. Couldn’t hit a note to save my life. I came to Kegan after I had tried two other VERY popular YouTube instructors. While I did take away a few things from them, I left their program’s frustrated and still unable to sing well. Kegan has shown me in a very clear and easy way how to sing WELL. I’m now very close to reaching my goals (which were not small) and I’m not even done with his course/lessons yet. If you’re debating, DO IT!!!

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5 star rating

Great course

Paul Zemella

Mixed Voice Booster is a very concise road map to help coordinate the vocal transition of CT muscles to the TA muscles. Clearly explained and expertly demons...

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Mixed Voice Booster is a very concise road map to help coordinate the vocal transition of CT muscles to the TA muscles. Clearly explained and expertly demonstrated. The highest quality of teaching! Thank you! Dr. Z

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5 star rating


Shaeri Richards

I discovered Kegan's work on youtube. I'm a female alto singer and bridging into my head voice has been the bane of my singing life. Kegan has showed my wh...

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I discovered Kegan's work on youtube. I'm a female alto singer and bridging into my head voice has been the bane of my singing life. Kegan has showed my what to do to resolve the issue in a simple, highly understandable way. I'm really grateful. This course is WORTH it!

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5 star rating

Another amazing course, incredible paired with foundation...

Dane Anderson

After doing foundation vocal course this was the cherry on top. It answered any remaining questions and takes you to that next next level for singing in all ...

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After doing foundation vocal course this was the cherry on top. It answered any remaining questions and takes you to that next next level for singing in all ranges but especially those tricky high notes. I found so much clarity in this course and it just honed in on what was already learned to make it even better. After foundation vocal course I would highly highly recommend this, this is now the 2nd easiest 5/5 stars I have ever given. As someone that has done multiple courses and been to many teachers, Kegan is the only one that has got through to me and made my voice improve how I thought would always just be a dream. My only regret is that I spent money on anyone else's work but his. Not to mention not one teacher i've had has come close to demonstrating in the way he does I mean he sings up to the e5 and f5 in a full sounding mix literally mid sentence then just goes back to casual conversation, he's the real deal and demonstrates the success of his approach with his own voice over and over throughout the course. Cheers

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5 star rating

General - All Titles

Luke Nguyen

Since starting your courses, I feel that all the goodness in my singing abilities and vocal powers have always been in me. Your courses simply unlocked those...

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Since starting your courses, I feel that all the goodness in my singing abilities and vocal powers have always been in me. Your courses simply unlocked those abilities, with vowel modifications, tonal intent, forward singing, etc. When I properly apply your teachings, things come out of me so effortlessly! It's like it has alway been there, all locked up, and you provided the blueprint to unlock what I already possess. For example, before I started my journey, my main goal was to improve my range and be able to sing two or three keys higher so I can sing most of my favorite songs in the original key. By properly applying your teachings, it gives me access to so much more range than what I was looking for. What I mean is, your teachings have totally changed the way I approach a song I want to sing. I no longer think about having to work hard to eventually get up to a certain key. Instead, I think about how I can apply your teachings to "unlock" and access those keys that is already within me. THIS IS SO POWERFUL!!! ...and FUN!

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5 star rating

Easy and fun

Jaffer Ridaa

I think this course was easy to understand and I was laughing throughout the entire thing. A lot of new approaches to singing which im very excited about!

I think this course was easy to understand and I was laughing throughout the entire thing. A lot of new approaches to singing which im very excited about!

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5 star rating

Vowel modification for the win

David Jónsson

Vowel modification is tricky business, there are so many different ways people aproach it that it was very frustrating to find good information about it. I r...

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Vowel modification is tricky business, there are so many different ways people aproach it that it was very frustrating to find good information about it. I remember being so confused that I was furiously googling what vowel modification actually is just a few months ago. Some coaches say that it is not even a thing. Kegan here explains everything in the simplest way possible while it is very clear that he has a deep knowledge about the subject. You can always turn to him with your questions and i am willing to bet that he can answer to anything. The foundation course touches this as well, but i still felt like I needed some extra material about it, since I had many years of bad training I felt like it wouldn't hurt to sign up for this one as well. I can say that it makes practice easier with this clear step by step instructions. If you are a beginner, this course is a must have, and even more so if you have years of training but still don't quite get it.

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5 star rating

The best course of all time

Davide Belleri

Literally game changer for me, one of the clearest possible explanations!

Literally game changer for me, one of the clearest possible explanations!

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5 star rating

Dr Zane Banks

Zane Banks

This is an essential text for vocal technique. Vocal terminology used to be jargon that didn’t mean much to me, and certainly didn’t have any clear practical...

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This is an essential text for vocal technique. Vocal terminology used to be jargon that didn’t mean much to me, and certainly didn’t have any clear practical application. This is the first text in which I have found the essential elements of the voice and vocal technique clearly explained; the many examples of how these elements and exercise can be employed has been very enlightening. I cannot recommend this highly enough.

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5 star rating

This effing works.

William L.

Started singing in 2017, first studying all the famous – KTVA, R.A., P.B., etc., and I was in no position to understand what they were doing. I just figured ...

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Started singing in 2017, first studying all the famous – KTVA, R.A., P.B., etc., and I was in no position to understand what they were doing. I just figured I had a break at C4, and singing to piano scales with that in the back of my mind was practically torture. I moved it up to G4 after years but it was just strenuous, rigid, extremely tiring and qualitatively hopeless in comparison to my favorite artists who made it seem so easy. Kegan helped me realize it's because "it is easy", but what they're doing is so far from what I was doing, which I didn't grasp until I actually changed what I listen for and how I even hear singers (also covered in this course). I remember always having this intuituve sense that singing shouldn't be hard or uncomfortable no matter what register of the voice or whether you're a rock guy etc. It was such a struggle to not just give up when I'd record with bands and basically blow my voice out in front of producers and bandmates just to get an F#4 in a freaking backup vocal. Literally went to the studio bathroom and started beating my head in anger. Reaching an E4 was abrasive, and much louder than when natural singers I observed sang way higher in full voice, because I had to make it so loud for it to even happen. Good singers can control their volume, and really their power comes from more of a treble boost, which you'll understand within this course. For years I kept looking, feeling like maybe I just didn't 'have it' or I wasn't trying hard enough. Discouraged by all the YT vocal coaches saying stuff like: "That's definitely a belted A4 in chest voice!" talking about Chris Cornell or the likes. BTW guys who say that never quite get the paint stripping treble in their tone (or the dexterity, stylistic freedom and ease) that you've probably seen Kegan demonstrate. Ever since I found Kegan, I quit looking further. The Foundation Vocal Course brings all aspects together, the techniques, principles, tools, psychology, the nerd stuff as well as the practical, so that no matter who you are, if you're serious, you can learn to sing. Here's a tip if you enroll: Throw out everything you thought you knew about singing. I can't extrapolate the significance of this; it must be experienced. You will realize how the different concepts actually work and no matter what your disposition is, this course thoroughly addresses every potential variable and hands you all the tools for troubleshooting, whether tonal, physical or psychological hurdles - or all of them! FVC ties things together and makes sense. It is everything I had always been looking for.

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5 star rating

Kegan's vocal techniques are greatly helping me to fulfil...

akhil gada

I am a 39 years old male from India. Before I took Kegan’s course, it was difficult for me to sing Bollywood songs as high as F4. My upper range in chest reg...

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I am a 39 years old male from India. Before I took Kegan’s course, it was difficult for me to sing Bollywood songs as high as F4. My upper range in chest register when singing scales in the most open Aah vowel was limited to G#4 (just touching it quickly and coming down) and head voice was up to G#5, but there was a complete break between my chest and head voice. Kegan’s vocal techniques greatly helped me to be able to sustain notes as high as A#4 and also able to hit C5 in Bollywood songs that I never thought I would be able to sing so early on in my learning process with him!; when singing scales, I am now able to sing from F2 to A5 without any break!! Kegan has a lot of patience in teaching his students irrespective of their current level in singing. One great thing about him is that he doesn’t just teach vocal techniques but also teaches you how to effectively apply them in real songs just like how he himself does in his own songs, so that we can reach those high notes without straining our voice. He has a great understanding of vocal anatomy. My progress has been quite faster than I thought and I am getting better and better over time with practicing Kegan’s vocal techniques. Flashback: Since childhood, I always dreamed of being able to sing those high notes in Bollywood songs. I therefore started my singing training during my teenage years in Indian classical singing for 3 years. Unfortunately, I developed a vocal nodule during that time because of bad vocal technique. The nodule was cured by medicines and some speech therapy, however, I had stopped singing for long time until 24 years of age after which I started searching for good vocal teachers to learn western vocal techniques which has chest, head, and mix voice concepts which are somehow absent in the Indian classical singing which primarily just focuses on chest voice. I trained with 4 different teachers before Kegan (one of them in-studio and other three online) but couldn’t develop my voice, in fact I used to find my voice going hoarse from time to time and I used to fear developing nodules again. I consider myself so lucky that I found Kegan on Youtube. I listened to him singing real songs and I was just astonished by his range and quality of voice and that’s why I started learning his vocal techniques.

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So you've been struggling...

I hear you, if you watched the video above of my "before and after", you know already just how badly I used to strain, struggle and shout - desperately trying to hit high notes that were obviously out of reach. I estimate I spent around $15,000+ on singing lessons, books and vocal courses to get to a point where I really just felt like I didn't have what it took to ever become a good singer.

YES! The embarrassing "before" video I shared with you above is actually AFTER I had spent all of that money on singing lessons over a ten year period - pathetic, right?? I tried open throat, twang, belting, yelling, falsetto, nay and nyah, mixed voice, speech level singing, classical lessons - you name it, and I had already thrown way too much money at it trying to sing even half-way decent.

I was starting to feel like good singers were all just naturals who were "born that way" - unlike me with a lower than average voice, a thick Aussie accent tripping me up at every step, and a decade of bad habits and bad advice all weighing me down as a singer.

Can you relate?

I'm not going to spin you some bullshit about how I'm better than everyone else, and that you're going to be better than everyone else if you buy my course - God knows that line sucked me in more times than I can count to methods that just seemed to make me strain more and question myself even further on something that had previously been a joy.

Instead, I'm going to share the simple Fundamental blueprint that absolutely CHANGED. MY. LIFE. FOREVER. as a singer - the approach that finally tied everything together into one powerful unit in my voice.

Did I mention it's completely free?

Just add your details above and I'll shoot you a quick email with the blueprint and a free training video that will show you just how easy it is to tie your registers together using vowels as the "glue" in your newfound vocal progress.

Don't believe it's possible to get better at singing? You've come this far and there's nothing left to lose, right? Watch the video above for absolute proof that this really WORKS, and add your details to join me "on the other side" of vocal strain with a freedom in your voice that you never thought possible before.

(Again, it's free - why are you still reading???)

Senior Voice Coach

Kegan DeBoheme

Kegan is the singer for the band Dead Spirit Communion, owner and designer of The Foundation Vocal Course and owner of voice teaching studio Bohemian Vocal Studio.

How my students are using THIS blueprint

What they're saying...

"It's a 1000% brilliant vocal method"

Ivan Radkov

Voice Coach

"The Best vocal coach ever - Kegan helps me so much.

No complications - Only simple effective tools for singing songs. This education divide my vocal life in two parts - before and after.

Before sessions with Kegan I knew a lot about singing (SLS, CVT, Ken Tamplin and other methods) but couldn't use what I know.

I wasn't able to apply over-complicated concepts and simply thought that I just have no talent for singing. Sessions with Kegan HELPS me sing songs and understand my voice and use it in way that I always dreamed.

The only person whom I trust my voice (and any aspect of singing) on 100%. Kegan understand what it is to sing well and how teach people to do that.

For 2 years I learn from Kegan. It's 1000% brilliant vocal approach. I understand my voice much more clear, now I am able to grow my voice by myself. I use his courses almost every day. Money, time and trust that I spent on his education - is the best vocal investment of my life.

Kegan's education helps me as vocal coach as well."

Foundation Vocal Course was recently seen on...

Alice in Chains | Layne Staley - Vocal Cover

Featuring Kegan from Foundation Vocal

Mad Season | Mark Lanegan - Vocal Cover

Featuring Kegan from Foundation Vocal

Temple of the dog | Chris Cornell - Vocal Cover

Featuring Kegan from Foundation Vocal